Caring for a loved one can often be exhausting, leaving you with very little time for anything else in life. It’s very easy to forget about yourself in this situation, but your own health and wellbeing is of vital importance, to you and the person you care for.

Here at Eternity Healthcare Limited, we understand that anyone in this demanding position should take regular breaks and make time for themselves. Whether it’s a day out with friends, a family holiday or simply spending some time alone, a break can really make a difference, helping you to recharge your batteries and regain your own identity.

Understandably, it’s often hard to let go, but Eternity Healthcare Limited can offer you help and support during this time by providing reliable, high quality respite care to give you the confidence and peace of mind you deserve whilst you are away. One of our carers will come and stay with your loved one whilst you are away knowing that your loved one remains at home and not having to be moved to a completely new environment.

Our respite care services are totally flexible and individually tailored to suit the needs of you and the person you care for. It’s worth contacting your local social services team who can provide a Carer’s Assessment which may help you in gaining financial support during this time.